Sunday, July 20, 2008

Awesome Gmail tip

Let’s say that your email address is ‘’, basically everything sent to any of the following email addresses will be forwarded to your primary email.





And that’s not all, you can place as many dots as you want, it can be even something like ‘’ and you’ll still get it on ‘’

Additionally, I just also found out that you can embed random text to your email ID using ‘+’ sign. That is to say ‘’ can be used as your email address, as well.

Ok I got it. Now what ?

1. One email for every purpose

Instead of using different email addresses for various purposes (work, school, friends, etc.) you can use different variations of your Gmail and filter incoming mails by ’sent to’ address. For instance, all incoming mail sent to ‘’ can be put to folder ‘work’, messages sent to ‘’ can be put to ‘friends’, ‘’ can be used for newsletters, and so on.

2. Track/Block spammers

When signing up for some website, say, you can add thatwebsite to your Gmail user ID (eg. This way you can block your subscription whenever you want and even identify those websites that distribute your email address to spammers.

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